Tuesday, 16 July 2019

Use Hair Life & Reduce Women Hair Loss Problem-MCHC

Ayurveda treatment is largely used for treating hair loss. The best part about ayurvedic remedies for hair fall is that it offers long lasting results.

    Visit@ http://bit.ly/2AzFoX5 or  contact to Dr. Vishwakrma@ +91-8370039735

Sunday, 7 July 2019


A headache is pain in the head or upper neck.There are four major types of headache: vascular, muscle contraction (tension), traction, and inflammatory.

The most common type of vascular headache is a migraine. Migraine headaches are usually characterized by severe pain on one or both sides of the head, nasuea, and, at times, disturbed vision. Women are more likely than men to have migraine headaches.

Other kinds of vascular headaches include "cluster" headaches, which cause repeated episodes of intense pain, and headaches resulting from high blood pressure. Muscle contraction headaches appear to involve the tightening or tensing of facial and neck muscles, while traction and inflammatory headaches are usually symptoms of other disorders, ranging from stroke to sinus infection. Like other types of pain, headaches can serve as warning signals of more serious disorders.

This is particularly true for headaches caused by rapidly stretching or rupturing weakened blood vessels (aneurysms), those caused by infection (infectious meningitis) as well as those resulting from diseases of the sinuses, spine, neck, ears, and teeth.

contact to Dr. Vishwakrma@ +91-8370039735 or visit site@ http://mchcayurveda.com/

Monday, 10 June 2019

Hoe To Stop Hair Fall-Maa Chamunda Health Care

Here's how to stop hair fall and control hair loss. Also, learn about the causes and hair care tips to maintain diet healthy hair.

Visit@ http://bit.ly/2AzFoX5 or  contact to Dr. Vishwakrma@ +91-8370039735

Monday, 15 April 2019

बैठने की मुद्रा (Sitting position)-Maa Chamunda Health Care

बैठने की गलत मुद्रा भी कमर दर्द (Back Pain) का कारण होती है. अगर आप गलत तरीके से बैठते हैं तो इसका असर कमर और स्पाइन पर पड़ता है. |

लगातार एक ही स्थिति में बैठे रहने से भी कमर की तकलीफ हो सकती है. अगर आपको काम के दौअर्न अधिक देर बैठे रहने की ज़रूरत पड़ती है तो थोड़े थोड़े अन्तराल में उठकर चलना फिरना करें, इसके अलावा इस दौरान हलकी एक्सरसाइज भी की जा सकती है.|

पर अब चिंता छोड़िये और जुड़िये माँ चामुंडा हेल्थ केयर क साथ और दूर करे अपनी हर समस्या कंसल्ट करे फ्री मे हमारे डॉक्टर से @ +91-8370039735 OR VISIT@ https://bit.ly/2U9WVSP

Monday, 8 April 2019

RE-Clear-G is the best Ayurvedic Product-Maa Chamunda Health Care

A good blood purifier used in acne pimples, dermatitis ,dry & weeping with irritation & itching on skin, ring worm, dry & cracked skin, seborrhea. 

it removes the internal causes & relieves acute condition. it helps to increase reactivity of skin psoriasis skin allergic conditions etc.

For more Information about product so contact to Dr. Vishwakrma@ +91-8370039735 or visit site@ http://mchcayurveda.com/

Monday, 1 April 2019

Back Pain कमर दर्द से छुटकारा पाने के आयुर्वेदिक घरेलू उपचार-माँ चामुंडा हेल्थ केयर

कमर दर्द ( Back Pain) किसी भी उम्र के व्यक्ति को परेशान कर सकता है फिर वह महिला हो या पुरुष. हम में से लगभग प्रत्येक व्यक्ति एक या अधिक बार कमर दर्द का शिकार होता ही है. |

कमर के निचले, मध्य और ऊपर की तरफ दर्द के साथ साइटिका का दर्द भी एक आम बिमारी है. मेरुदंड में गड़बड़ी, कमजोर मांसपेशियां, गलत पोजीशन में सोने या पोषण में कमी की वजह से कमर दर्द हो सकता है, इसके अलावा अधिक तनाव में रहने और चिंता करने से भी यह समस्या दिखाई देती है.

पर अब चिंता छोड़िये और जुड़िये माँ चामुंडा हेल्थ केयर क साथ और दूर करे अपनी हर समस्या कंसल्ट करे फ्री मे हमारे डॉक्टर से @  +91-8370039735 / http://mchcayurveda.com/

Sunday, 31 March 2019

One Of the Best Way To Protect your Liver-Maa Chamunda Health Care

One of the easiest ways to protect, nourish, and cleanse the liver is to be conscious of what you take into it.

** The liver is the root of rakta vaha srotas, the oxygen-carrying channels of rakta dhatu.

** The health of your liver increases the body’s ability to detoxify itself.

** Exercising every day, doing abhyanga massage, and practising meditation are some ways to keep your liver healthy.

Our liver is a strong and complex organ. It transforms everything we eat, breathe, and absorb through the skin into life-sustaining nutrients. According to Ayurveda, the liver is the root of rakta vaha srotas, the oxygen-carrying channels of rakta dhatu (blood).

Also, ranjaka pitta in the liver produces bile which is stored in the gallbladder to be released as needed to break down fats and to absorb fat-soluble vitamins.

The liver is mainly a pitta organ. When overtaxed, it is the site of many pitta imbalances such as excessive sweating, ulcers, hyperacidity, and rosacea.

It also may manifest as loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, liver spots on the skin, changes in elimination, fatigue, lack of motivation, depression, anxiety, and memory problems.

For more lifestyle tips and recipes visit the Maa Chamunda Health Care Ayurveda website@ http://mchcayurveda.com/ , or to consult a Doctor, you can dial@ +91-8370039735

Thursday, 28 March 2019

Eating Healthy and Sticking To a Healthy Diet-Maa Chamunda Health Care

Consume Healthy Diet: – Ayurveda says that feeding your skin is very important skin to keep it nourished and glowing.

Avoid the consumption of canned and processed foods and indulge in healthy and fresh food items. Whatever we eat, our skin reflects it.

Consuming Healthy Diet will help to regenerate skin cells,Fight Skin Problems, make digestion process easier and will give smooth skin.

contact to Dr. Vishwakrma@ +91-8370039735 or visit site@ http://mchcayurveda.com/

DIABA PLUS-ArthroAntiArthriticAyurvedicCapsule

Diaba Plus is an innovative advanced product with unique blend of ayurvedic herbs with proven efficacy in diabetes for diabetic patients manufactured by altis life sciences, research & developed by ccras (central council for research in ayurvedic sciences), and approved & certified by govt. Of india. 

Diaba Plus has wonderful results, thousands of patients who are using diaba plus living healthier life.

if you want to reduce your Diabetes Problem than  MAA CHAMUNDA HEALTH CARE Provide best Ayurvedic Medicine for you so join us@ https://goo.gl/SHpw8c
or whatsapp @ 9300906635

Friday, 22 March 2019

खुजली से हों परेशान, तो अपनाएं यह आयुर्वेदिक दवाई-माँ चामुंडा हेल्थ केयर

गंदगी, एलर्जी या फिर अन्य कारणों से होने वाली खुजली, आपकी त्वचा को काफी नुकसान पहुंचाती है। कई बार शरीर में छोटी-छोटी फुंसियां होना और उसे खुजाने पर खून निकलने जैसी समस्या भी सामने आती है, जो त्वचा के लिए और भी खतरनाक है ।आइए जानते हैं, खुजली का  समाधान माँ चामुंडा हेल्थ केयर के साथ !!

 contact to Dr. Vishwakrma@ +91-8370039735 or visit site@ http://mchcayurveda.com/