Friday, 15 December 2017

Ayurvedic Treatment for Hair Loss-Maa Chamunda Health Care

Are you suffering from bad hair loss? Are you embarrassed that you are turning bold before your age? Have you tried almost all the tablets, serums available in the market? But have you tried a different approach to solving your hair loss problem? An Ayurvedic approach can help you either to reduce or completely stop it.

Most ayurvedas’s believe that the cause of hair loos is due to mind and body structure.
Here are some Ayurvedic Treatments that you can use to reduce our hair loss

Amla: Also known as Indian gooseberry is rich I vitamin C which compensates for the deficiency in the body that causes hair loss.  Mix one tablespoon of Amla pulp and lemon juice and apply it to your scalp. Leave it in your hair overnight, as it will completely soak into your scalp. In the morning wash it off with shampoo.

Onion Juice: Onions contain high sulfur content which helps in improving blood circulation. It also helps in killing germs. When you apply the onion juice make sure to blend it and strain it before applying. Massage the onion juice into your scalp and keep it in for 30 to 45 minutes. Finally wash it off with shampoo. This should be done once or twice a week.

Aloe Vera: One of the oldest forms. It contains enzymes that allow you to have healthy growing hair. For this method either Aloe Vera Gel or Juice will work. Apply it to your scalp and leave it in for a few hours. It is advised to do this three or four time in a week.


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Friday, 1 September 2017

Ayurveda's Healthy eating guidelines With Maa Chamunda Health Care

1. Chew your food until it is an even consistency before swallowing your food.

2. Do not eat while you’re being distracted due to television, conversation or reading.

3. Avoid drinking cold water before eating. This can hamper the process of digestion.

4. Do not drink cold drinks during meals, as it can weaken the digestive fire. A half cup of normal water is fine. Dry meals require more water. Sipping wine during meals is fine.

5. It is said that food prepared with love and care is known to pass on energy to us. It is said that we must avoid food prepared with resentment. We not only take in the food but also the emotions of the maker, as per ayurveda.

6. You need to consider eating as a sacred thing. You need to pause, relax and be calm before starting to consume your food.

7. After your meal, you need to give yourself a break. You need to pause for a moment and relax before heading to the next activity.

8. You need to eat at a moderate pace until your stomach is three quarters full.

9. You need to give a time period of three hours between each meal to allow your food to be digested properly.

10. Digestion is known to be the strongest when the sun is at its peak. The rhythm of the body mirrors that of the universe. Hence, it is recommended to eat your largest meal at noon and a lighter on at night and in the morning.

11. You need to take all your drinks and water when it is at room temperature. This is because cold drinks can weaken the digestive fire and hence weaken your digestion process.

12. Eat a fresh piece of ginger and lemon or pomegranate chutney before a full meal to balance the Pitta in your body.

13. Drinking lassi with or after lunch is effective for digestion. This is one of the rules of healthy eating as recommended in Ayurveda.

14. As per ayurveda, it is said that dinner must be completed before 8 PM and must always be lighter in quantity.

For more information Whatsapp@ +91-9300906635 or visit@

Wednesday, 12 July 2017

How To Reduce Diabetes-Maa Chamunda Heatlh Care

आजकल मधुमेह की बीमारी आम बीमारी है या यह कह दे 3-4 लोगो में 1 को शुगर की बीमारी हो रही है भारत के अंदर सब से ज्यादा इसके रोगी है। डाईबेटिस भारत मे 7करोड़ 70 लाख लोगों कों है और करोडो लोगों को ओर हो जाएगी अगले कुछ सालों मे सरकार ये कह रही है  

 हर दो मिनट मे एक मौत हो रही है|  डाईबेटिस से और complication Complications तो बहुत हो रहे है... किसी की  किडनी ख़राब हो रही है, किसीका लीवर ख़राब हो रहा है ,किसीको  ब्रेन हेमारेज हो रहा है, किसीको पैरालाईसीस हो रहा है,  किसीको  ब्रेन स्ट्रोक रहा है,किसीको  कार्डियक अरेस्ट हो रहा है, किसी को  हार्ट अटैक रहा है| Complications बहुत है खतरनाक है

जब किसी व्यक्ति को मधुमेह की बीमारी होती है। इसका मतलब है वह व्यक्ति दिन भर में जितनी भी मीठी चीजें खाता है (चीनी, मिठाई, शक्कर, आदि) वह ठीक प्रकार से नहीं पचती अर्थात उस व्यक्ति का अग्नाशय उचित मात्रा में उन चीजों से इन्सुलिन नहीं बना पाता इसलिये वह चीनी तत्व मूत्र के साथ सीधा निकलता है। इसे पेशाब में शुगर आना भी कहते हैं।

जिन लोगों को अधिक चिंता, मोह, लालच, तनाव रहते हैं, उन लोगों को मधुमेह की बीमारी अधिक होती है।*
मधुमेह रोग में शुरू में तो भूख बहुत लगती है।
  • लेकिन धीरे-धीरे भूख कम हो जाती है।
  • शरीर सुखने लगता है,
  • कब्ज की शिकायत रहने लगती है।
  • अधिक पेशाब आना और पेशाब में चीनी आना शुरू हो जाती है और
  • रेागी का वजन कम होता जाता है।
  • शरीर में कहीं भी जख्म/घाव होने पर वह जल्दी नहीं भरता।
  • तो ऐसी स्थिति मे हम क्या करें ?
Maa chamunda Health Care  की एक छोटी सी सलाह है के आप इन्सुलिन पर जादा निर्भर करे क्योंकि यह इन्सुलिन डाईबेटिस से भी जादा खतरनाक है, साइड इफेक्ट्स बहुत है *
इसलिए Maa chamunda Health Care  लेकर आया है भारत में पहली बार नयी तकनीक से बने
1-re-life sugar care
खाने से एक घंटे पहले सुबह
शाम लेना हैं।

2-Ayurvedic -health tea
सुबह और शाम खाली पेट
सेवन करें।
Maa chamunda Health Care  का बादा है तीन से छह महीने मैं आपको आपका मेडिकल आपका डाक्टर लिखकर दे देगा कि आपको नो सिमटन डाईबेटिस यानी आप मधुमेह की बीमारी से सम्पुर्णत: निजात पा चुके हैं।
👉👉 so why you are waiting for Best Health Tips just whatsapp@ +91-9300906635 & Visit@

Wednesday, 28 June 2017

Why is Vitamin C Important for Our Body- Maa Chamunda Health Care

  • Vitamin C is extremely important to your children because it is involved in so many areas of health. The life enhancing properties of Vitamin C are too numerous to share.
  • Vitamin C is needed for building and repairing bones, teeth, gums, and connective tissues. It is essential for the formation of collagen, a substance that gives structure to organs and muscles, tissues, bones, and cartilage.
  • Large doses of vitamin C can reduce the time you have a cold and can also reduce the unpleasant symptoms of a cold.
  • Vitamin C is a powerful water-soluble antioxidant and plays a vital role in protecting against free radical damage in the watery part of the cell of the body against degenerative diseases such as heart disease and cancer.
  • Vitamin C is needed to boost the immune system. Vitamin C's immune-enhancing effect makes it essential in fighting infection as well as in shortening the duration of an illness.
  • Vitamin C helps restore stress hormones. The more stress you have, the more Vit C u need.
  • A good Vitamin C supplement should come from natural sources and does not contain any preservatives, artificial flavours or coloring.
  • Vitamin C has to be consumed daily because the body does not store vitamin C. Pediatricians recommend that children should consume at least 30-40mg of vitamin C per day.
For More Information Contact Us:+91-9300906635 or visit@

Tuesday, 20 June 2017

9 Ways to Avoid Diabetes Complications- Maa Chamunda Health Care

1) Lose extra weight:  Moving toward a healthy weight helps control blood sugars. Your doctor, a dietitian, and a fitness trainer can get you started on a plan that will work for you.

2) Check your blood sugar level : at least twice a day. Is it in the range advised by your doctor? Also, write it down so you can track your progress and note how food and activity affect your levels.

3) Get A1c blood tests; to find out your average blood sugar for the past 2 to 3 months. Most people with type 2 diabetes should aim for an A1c of 7% or lower. Ask your doctor how often you need to get an A1c test.

4) Track your carbohydrates. Know how many carbs you’re eating and how often you have them. Managing your carbs can help keep your blood sugar under control. Choose high-fiber carbs, such as green vegetables, fruit, beans, and whole grains.

5) Control your blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels. Diabetes makes heart disease more likely, so keep a close eye on your blood pressure and cholesterol. Say with your doctor about keeping your cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood pressure in check. Take medications as prescribed.

6) Keep moving. Regular exercise can help you reach or maintain a healthy weight. Exercise also reduce stress and helps control blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels. You walk at least  30 minutes a day of aerobic exercise 5 days a week. You can break up the 30 minutes say, by taking a 10-minute walk after every meal.

7) Catch some ZZZs. When you’re sleep-deprived, you tend to eat more, and you can put on weight, which leads to health problems. People with diabetes who get enough sleep often have healthier eating habits and improved blood sugar levels.

8) Manage stress. Stress and diabetes don't mix. Excess stress can elevate blood sugar levels. But you can find relief by sitting quietly for 15 minutes, meditating, or practicing yoga.

9) See your doctor. Get a complete checkup at least once a year, though you may talk to your doctor more often. At your annual physical, make sure you get a dilated eye exam, blood pressure check, foot exam, and screenings for other complications such as kidney damage, nerve damage, and heart disease.

For More Information Whatsapp@ +91-9300906635 or visit here@

Friday, 16 June 2017

What Is Better For Human Body- Maa Chamunda Health Care

MCHC  Provide Best Health Tips for peoples. they provide which vitamins is better for your body and which oil & medicines is important for you.... so why you west your time contact@ +91-9300906635 or Visit website@